
Friday, December 20, 2013

Week 16

We had such a fun time painting our wrapping paper to wrap our gifts to our parents. I hope you enjoyed them! We have been working hard for weeks on them.

Yoko was our focus book this week. We continued to work on summarizing and making inferences. Our sight words this week were "in" and "or".

We continued to receive many postcards from the gingerbread man this week. He even traveled out of the country. We had so much fun finding these places on the map and learning about them. Some comments were "my grandparents live there" or "we use to live there" or "I have a cousin that lives there" or "that is where my parents are right now". It was so cute and thanks for your help with making this a success. The gingerbread man returned to school on Thursday, and boy were they happy to see him.

Here are some of the books we read this week.

Decorating gingerbread cookies was definitely a highlight of the week. It was even more fun eating them!

We took one bite and we graphed what part of the gingerbread man we ate first.

We wrote a letter to the gingerbread man and we made and decorated gingerbread houses.

In the library the last few weeks, we have been studying the author Mo Willems. He is famous for his pigeon books and elephant and piggy books. We got to have a play day in the library. Here are some of the centers we went to.

Another exciting activity this week was a visit to our 3rd grade buddies classroom. Mrs. Armstrong's class worked in collaborative groups to learn about simple machines. We got to watch their presentations on wheels and axels, wedges, levers, pulleys and inclined planes. Some of us even got to participate with them. We are already looking forward to 3rd grade.

And last, but not least, our kindergarten winter carnival. Thanks so much to our room parents for helping to organize this and making it run so smoothly. The children had an absolute blast.

My husband, my younger daughter and I are flying out this evening to spend our Christmas in Colorado Springs with my older daughter and her family. We are excited to see our grandson, Noah. It has been 6 months since we have seen him and we can barely contain our excitement. We will be there for 10 days. In an effort to get this out before we leave, I am excluding Friday's activities from the pictures. Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts I have received. I look forward to seeing you on January 7th in the New Year. Have a fabulous holiday season, however you will spend it!