
Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 36

We are down to the wire. Hard to believe we only have 4 more days of school. Let's take a look at what we are learning this week.

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. We learned about Memorial Day and had fun making books and writing about our heroes.

Tuesday was letter Ss day. We had a marathon show and tell day. The kids were very excited to share. For letter Tt day, we wrote thank you notes to many people in the school and in our families. We thank you for loving us. We celebrated summer birthdays with our letter Uu unbirthday day and popsicles. On Friday, Vv day, we watched Toy Story 2.

We are finished with our language arts curriculum, so we have been enjoying Robert Munsch stories this week. The children cannot get enough of them. Here are some of the few that we read.

We even had guest readers (former students) come into our class to read. They enjoy sharing books with our class.

The last day of school is Thursday, June 5th. We are almost first graders!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 35

We had a review week in language arts. Our focus book was Turtle Splash.

We began learning about animals in the water and had fun with this math book, Splash

Leo Lionni is a wonderful author who often writes about water animals. We enjoyed his stories and talked about the lesson the author is teaching in these two stories as we compared them.

Picnic day was a huge success. We enjoyed eating our lunch outside.

Eric Carle is another fabulous author we have been learning about. We got to go to many centers today and were excited to read his books.

I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend. Tuesday is show and tell day, so bring something to share with your class.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Week 34

The end of the school year is full of busy times. We learned our last two letters of the alphabet. We learned Yy with the help of Yippy the Yellow Yak.

We also learned Zz with Zippity Zoo. Our sight words this week were "where" and "me".

Our focus book was Warthogs Paint. We practiced making predictions and retelling the story. 

In science, we continued talking about water. We focused on the movement of water as we read this book where a young boy compares his daily activities to different water movements.

We learned how fortunate we are to live in the United States as water is not readily available to everyone all over the world. This book showed how different people have to collect water daily.

This book helped us to learn the flow of the water, starting with the mountain tops and continuing with rivers and streams to the ocean.

We got to have a real live author come and visit our school. The children were excited to hear Anna Dewdney talk about her llama books. She even showed us how she illustrates them too. How fun!

We've enjoyed counting down the days of school by reviewing the alphabet. Jj "jigsaw day" was a fun cooperative day. 

Thank you to Kaulen and Elise for watching the class for a couple of hours while I got to go to lunch for teacher appreciation from the PTA at North by Northwest. What a treat. The children had fun with you and enjoyed a long recess and center time. 

We got to watch Mrs. Young's class perform Ging Gong the Cat. On Friday, we enjoyed the movie, Frozen for our movie day. Hardly a day goes by without someone breaking out in a song from that movie. LOL

We will no longer be having homework in kindergarten. I've sent their homework notebooks home and they can stay home. Thank you for helping them complete their homework daily. They have made good progress.