
Friday, August 30, 2013

Week 1

Wow! What a week! We had a fabulous start to kindergarten. We stayed very busy this week learning about the rules of school and how to follow our Hill Agreements. Let's take a look at some of the fun that was happening in Mrs. Langham's room.

Monday morning, we began our day by using our crayons and coloring a bear. We were excited to use our new crayons.

We read several beginning of the year books. We loved Robert Munsch's We Share Everything.

We completed self portraits for our portfolio.

During math, we loved exploring math manipulatives. We learned how to take attendance and count to make sure everyone is here. We established our calendar routine and learned some new songs.

And we loved having snack time!

We read a book called Skyfire about a bear who thought the sky was on fire when he saw a rainbow. We then practiced using our markers to draw our favorite part of the story.

In social studies, we focused on following rules and making friends. Here are some of the great books that we read.

We talked about how to introduce yourself and how to ask a friend to play.

We talked about manners, both good and bad.

The David books were some of our favorite ones. David has a hard time listening and following directions.

And we loved making our David puppets.

Here's Mrs. Langham's worst nightmare, a class of Davids!!! YIKES!

We learned about what science is and we put some science expectations in our science notebooks.

We read a book about scientists and we wrote in our science notebooks what kind of scientists we want to be when we grow up.

We read one of Mrs. Langham's favorite books, Pete the Cat and also watched the video.

We read a book about Jesse Bear, who liked to get wet.

We practiced using our glue and made Jesse bear dots on our papers.

We began writing in our journals and read a book to learn what authors do.

We learned what authors write after reading this book.

We learned how to take care of books and treat them kindly so that others can enjoy them.

We read a book about animals that hide in the tall, tall grass.

Then we learned how to use our scissors to cut grass.

And we hid our bears in the tall, tall grass.

Mr. Hewlett and Ms. Ellis came to read a story to us and tell us about their roles as principals at our school.

By the end of the week, we were able to play in centers. It was fun!

And we loved being silly when we sang Tooty Ta!

We had such a great week. I hope that your child is able to elaborate and share some of these activities with you. Friday was our best day ever and we were really good listeners. Thanks to all of the parents that helped in the cafeteria and during dismissal time. We couldn't have done it without you.

I hope that you have a fabulous 3 day weekend and we will see you on Tuesday!

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