
Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 6

We had another colorful week in Kindergarten. We started off with purple day.

Here are some of the purple books that we read.

Our focus book of the week was Picnic at Apple Park. We talked about setting and beginning, middle and end this week. When reading books with your child, ask them about these things. Retelling a story is a great way to check for comprehension too.

Our letter this week was Aa. We learned it with the help of Apple Annie. Our sight word this week was "the". Please make sure your child knows all of our sight words: I, can, am, we and the.

Tuesday was pink day!

Here are the pink books we read.

Our next day was black and white day! 

We read the book, Harry and the Dirty Dog and had fun making a craft and writing about our favorite part of the story. They are displayed outside our door so you will have to check them out during parent conferences.

Some of our other favorite black and white books are below.

Thursday was brown day.

Here are some of the books we read about brown.

We also read the book, Otis, along with children all across America to help "Read for the Record". 

Friday was a great day for rainbow day. We were very colorful.

Roy G. Biv helped us to remember the colors of the rainbow.

We read a lot of rainbow books.

One of our favorite stories was Mouse Paint. We thought Mrs. Langham was magic when she used the felt board to tell this story. 

After reading the book, we decided we were going to explore with our three primary colors. Each student was given some red, blue and yellow paint. Their task was to paint a rainbow by mixing the paint to form new colors. They turned out pretty well.

In writer's workshop, we read the book, It's Too Noisy to remind us that writing is a time to tell on paper and to remain quiet so we don't disturb our neighbors. 

The wordless book, Pancakes for Breakfast, was a reminder that pictures tell stories. Our writing is more than just words. We are trying to move beyond labeling and write sentences that tell about our picture.

Everyone has a story to tell, even cows. Sometimes just everyday experiences are the best ones to tell. 

In math this week, we discussed shapes and their properties. We learned about round and straight lines, sides and corners (vertices). These are the shapes we have learned so far. One thing that we are trying to teach the students is that a square is a special rectangle. It is special in that it has 4 sides that are all the same. A square is also a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square. 

In science, we learned that matter is everywhere. Matter is anything that takes up space. We began by exploring the physical properties of matter. We have learned size, shape, mass and color.

We were given pictures of objects and we had to order them by our rule. We had fun ordering them in many different ways and showing them on the projection system.

But one of the most fun things we did was sorting Lucky Charms by shape and then eating it.

Thank you for helping make color day a success by wearing your colors daily. We had so much fun with this unit. 

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