
Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 17

Welcome Back! It was good to see everyone's smiling faces. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I got to spend 10 days in Colorado visiting my daughter's family and catching up with my grandson. It was very nice and very cold!

We said goodbye to 2013 and welcomed in 2014. We learned what a resolution was too.

Then we set personal goals and wrote our own resolutions. These are displayed outside our door.

We started a unit on walruses this week! We wrote down what information we already knew about them. We read some new books and wrote down what we learned. We also had to move a few of our facts into misconceptions.

Here are some of the books we read.

We learned about characteristics of nonfiction (expository text) and we made our own All About Walruses book. 

Then we enjoyed making walruses.

We also read a fiction book. We made a text to self connection.

We learned a new reading strategy. Flippy the Dolphin reminds us to flip the vowel sound when decoding words. Our new sight word this week was "us". 

In math, we began learning 3D shapes and finding object that look like them. These are the shapes we have learned so far.

And here is someone using lots of 3D shapes to make a beautiful castle!

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